About Me

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My life as a multimedia artist, poet and creative writing instructor has brought me to a deep awareness of nature's importance in my life. Beginning each day with a walk in a wildlife sanctuary keeps me healthy and spiritually centered. I look forward to sharing my experience with others through my blog, Quiet Waters.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pure As the Driven Snow

Surely, nothing fits the image of Quiet Waters as well as freshly fallen snow.
 Once again, snow is quilting our countryside in soft, peaceful white.
It has been falling to earth in gentle, quiet flakes, unmoved by wind,  lacing every tree, fencepost and hillside.
As I gaze across the horizon I'm moved by the purity of the scene.
 Purity, now there's a wonderful word rarely heard today...  other than in reference to laundry detergent and air quality!
Yet, purity also reflects the most nobel of human intentions and attitudes.   
Purity of our thoughts and purity of our intentions are free of the pollution caused by hate, unkindness and fearfulness.
Thomas Kempis expressed the value of purity in poetic words when he wrote,
     "Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary things."
 Jesus wisely said,
     "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God".
Why is it then, that we find it so hard, in modern times, to strive for purity of thoughts, words and actions?
Is it because we are surrounded day in, day out by so much of the opposite?
Let's look on this snow, not as a frustration, but as a reminder to examin our lives for examples of purity.  Perhaps we can free ourselves from some of the qualities that, in fact, take away our joy and self respect.


Pyracantha in the Snow

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ducks Landing on the Cold Banks of the Ohio River at Marietta, Ohio

Yesterday was the Ides of January. 
The dead of winter.
 Yet, just when we thought we'd had all the cold we could stand, the sun came out ,and  began melting the snow and ice. 
Weather forcasters smiled as they predicted temperatures over 32 degrees....balmy to us,  after enduring the bitter cold that has blanketed our valley. 
It may take several days, but the warmth will turn the crusts of stubborn snow and jagged ice into trickles of clear water. 
What had seemed so heavy, stationary and threatening, will change into something more managable. 
It wasn't, after all, what it appeared to be.
How like our lives, these periods of bitter weather followed by relief.
No matter what our present circumstances, they are not going to last forever.  Nothing does.
There is always hope for the inevitable, predictable change that will, in good time come our way.

Monday, January 3, 2011


A hush hung over the park green this morning. 
Everything was coated in a thin layer of winter frost, and the cold was deep.
 From a far off tree, I heard the hollow echo of a woodpecker rapping against frigid tree bark, but no bird voices could be heard. 
It was as though all things were tucked away in their winter resting places....squirrels, deer, geese, hawks and other residents of the pond and woodland, asleep. 
Creatures seem to know when to be active and when to rest. 
When the time is right, they will begin coming out again, but for now, inactivity is the rule of winter. 
We humans would also do well to gage more of our activities by the seasons. 
Surely there would be fewer colds and aches were we to snuggle down under our blankets for a few extra hours and avoid rushing ourselves into exhaustion! 
Let's think over our winter routines. 
Where, in the gift of this day, can we give ourselves a bit more winter down time?
 I don't mean couch potato time! 
Rather, relaxing, renewing, peaceful winter rest.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter Hillside

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Last autumn, with the onset of cold weather, I  had brought several plants from the patio to the warmth of the house to wait out the winter. 
On New Year's day, I chanced to notice one planter I'd tucked into a corner on the kitchen counter. 
A sad sight met my eyes. 
The once robust green leaves were drooping over the sides of the container, and dry, yellow twigs and leaves had fallen all around. 
Caught up in the bustle of the holidays, I had neglected to water this poor, languishing plant.  
Immediately, I took out the watering can and gave it a good, long drink, apologizing for my thoughtlessness as the water trickled into the arid soil.  
On the next morning, I was astonished to see the plant once again covered with hearty, healthy green leaves.  All it had needed was a bit of refreshing water to be at its best again.

How often we are like the poor deprived plant, needing desperately to be renewed.
 Perhaps we have neglected to care for our own needs as we've generously offered our time and energies to the needs of others. 
Or, we may have felt our lives dry and wilting due to overwork, lonliness, illness  or the difficulties of aging.
Whatever our case may be, there is something that would act as cool reviving water to our spirit. 
What is it in your life? 
A little rest? 
Reaching out to make a new friend? 
A new activity to divert your thoughts from your difficulties? 
There are many possibilities. 
Think it over, and vow to give yourself that which will refresh and renew your enjoyment of  life.

Blessings for a beautiful 2011!     Sandra