About Me

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My life as a multimedia artist, poet and creative writing instructor has brought me to a deep awareness of nature's importance in my life. Beginning each day with a walk in a wildlife sanctuary keeps me healthy and spiritually centered. I look forward to sharing my experience with others through my blog, Quiet Waters.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Last autumn, with the onset of cold weather, I  had brought several plants from the patio to the warmth of the house to wait out the winter. 
On New Year's day, I chanced to notice one planter I'd tucked into a corner on the kitchen counter. 
A sad sight met my eyes. 
The once robust green leaves were drooping over the sides of the container, and dry, yellow twigs and leaves had fallen all around. 
Caught up in the bustle of the holidays, I had neglected to water this poor, languishing plant.  
Immediately, I took out the watering can and gave it a good, long drink, apologizing for my thoughtlessness as the water trickled into the arid soil.  
On the next morning, I was astonished to see the plant once again covered with hearty, healthy green leaves.  All it had needed was a bit of refreshing water to be at its best again.

How often we are like the poor deprived plant, needing desperately to be renewed.
 Perhaps we have neglected to care for our own needs as we've generously offered our time and energies to the needs of others. 
Or, we may have felt our lives dry and wilting due to overwork, lonliness, illness  or the difficulties of aging.
Whatever our case may be, there is something that would act as cool reviving water to our spirit. 
What is it in your life? 
A little rest? 
Reaching out to make a new friend? 
A new activity to divert your thoughts from your difficulties? 
There are many possibilities. 
Think it over, and vow to give yourself that which will refresh and renew your enjoyment of  life.

Blessings for a beautiful 2011!     Sandra