About Me

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My life as a multimedia artist, poet and creative writing instructor has brought me to a deep awareness of nature's importance in my life. Beginning each day with a walk in a wildlife sanctuary keeps me healthy and spiritually centered. I look forward to sharing my experience with others through my blog, Quiet Waters.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September Songs

Through the open window,
Cricket- played music
Fills the living room
With night.
This symphony
Gives concerts on the green
But once a year

Monday, September 7, 2009


My showy pink petunias, so bright with color during the summer months, are now fading into paler hues. Summer rain and heat took a toll on the foliage as well, and many of the leafy branches now hang dry and lifeless in the pots. Soon, they will all finish their service on this earth as flowers and will be folded into the compost where they will blend with other finished things, no longer to be called by name- grass and hedge clippings, wilted flowers, tomato plants, tree branches and fallen leaves. Broken and indistinguishable as what they once were, they will contribute to a new and valuable purpose- the creation of rich soil. In turn, that soil will serve to nurture other generations of flowers and grasses- the cycle of life never being truly broken- the time spent as petunias, short, compared to the time that will now be spent as rich earth. We tend to forget how short our stay really is, as individuals, on this earth. We run hither and yon through our days, gathering possessions, worrying about everything and often frittering away our precious hours on meaningless things. Perhaps, this is a good day to take stock of the way we want to spend the remainder of our time…before our own season in the sun is over. Perhaps, this is a good day to relax and truly enjoy the precious and unique life we have been given. Blessings, Sandra