About Me

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My life as a multimedia artist, poet and creative writing instructor has brought me to a deep awareness of nature's importance in my life. Beginning each day with a walk in a wildlife sanctuary keeps me healthy and spiritually centered. I look forward to sharing my experience with others through my blog, Quiet Waters.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Tme of Transition

Another October has melted into history, and a new November lies fresh and untouched before us. Isn't it exciting to think of a whole month of days awaiting our choices and decisions, our happiness and our challanges? The bright flames of autumn have now died down to fading embers. Leaves of deep gold and burgandy continue to let go of their mother trees and drift easily downward,without resistance. When they reach the ground, they join thousands of others in a virtual sea of leaves. Then, after dancing a few more rounds with the wind, they'll settle together and be dampened down by coming rain and snow. In time, they will again become one with the earth, creating rich soil that will nurture another season of new life. It is the time of transition. All things are changing into something new. I'm facing taransition as we prepare to "fold up the tent" of our current home and move to a new location. It is an exciting and challanging time. The labor of moving and the expected adjustments to a new home will, no doubt, offer mixed blessings. As with all transitions, the most important thing will be my ability to relax into the flow of change. Transition is, in fact, is an ongoing Truth. Like the ever changing seasons, few things stay the same forever. The more we accept this as the natural way, the more at peace we can be with whatever comes. Are you resisting any examples of transition in your life? If so, consider yeilding to the circumstances and trusting Life to see you through. Look for the potential joy present in all experiences, even in those that seem, at the moment, to be breaking your heart or disrupting your life. All will change. Change can be positive. Let it be so. Blessings, Sandra